[graalvm-dev] Avoiding NINJA dependency

Foivos Zakkak fzakkak at redhat.com
Tue Apr 28 06:31:33 PDT 2020

Hello all,

I am trying to avoid the dependency on NINJA when building native libraries
like libchelper.
Are you aware of any way to achieve this without manually writing Makefiles?

Additionally, if I were to write the required Makefiles and alter the
corresponding suite.py files is there any chance such a change would make
it upstream or is NINJA the only way forward?
I see that makefiles are only used by sulong at the moment.


Foivos Zakkak

Senior Software Engineer, R&D Product Middleware

Red Hat <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.redhat.com__;!!GqivPVa7Brio!IxC-AQYSTh7M2kDyVowp6AdQFBTypGVR3YBR31dp586yDD2u6XGy0_Nxre--NZSYbjpwaA$ >

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