[DTrace-devel] [PATCH] Add support for inet_ntop() subroutine

Eugene Loh eugene.loh at oracle.com
Wed Sep 13 23:44:57 UTC 2023

(common problem of not seeing the patch in my inbox)

Reviewed-by: Eugene Loh <eugene.loh at oracle.com>

However, one problem is that there are bad tstring leaks... the tstrings 
are simply not being reclaimed.  Maybe in the ternary construction, 
there should be a
         +    dt_node_type_assign(tnp, DT_STR_CTFP(dtp), DT_STR_TYPE(dtp));
or so.  By identifying tnp as a string, I think that triggers the 
tstring cleanup stuff in dt_cg_ternary_op().

Also, there is the issue of different formats for IPv4 addresses 
embedded IPv6.  The resulting format is different depending on whether 
one uses inet_ntoa6(addr) or inet_ntop(AF_INET6, addr).  I think there 
were some easy fixes to this with the first proposal for inet_ntop(), 
but I struck out how to do this with the current ntop patch.  So, maybe 
we just use the same format for both ntoa6 and ntop?  If so, then the 
IPv4 results in test/unittest/funcs/tst.inet_ntop.r should have their :: 
and ::ffff: prefixes stripped.

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