[DTrace-devel] [PATCH 12/12] Add support for copyinstr() subroutine

Eugene Loh eugene.loh at oracle.com
Thu Jul 21 22:52:27 UTC 2022

Reviewed-by: Eugene Loh <eugene.loh at oracle.com>

In dt_cg_subr_copyinstr(), the TRACE_REGSET messages should refer to 
copyinstr rather than copyin.

There is a lot of code duplicated between
Might it be useful to consolidate that code and reuse that consolidation 
for both purposes?

In the tests
there is a
      * SECTION: Actions and Subroutines/copyin()
I do not understand the utility of such comments, but in any case it 
would seem that s/copyin/copyinstr/.

The tests
should check results as I think you're now doing with tst.copyin.d in 
the earlier copyin() patch.

Why does err.badsize.d have no .r file -- err.badaddr.d does!  The same 
question goes for the copyin patch.

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