[DTrace-devel] DTrace-V1-ized 5.8.11 pushed to github

Nick Alcock nick.alcock at oracle.com
Thu Sep 24 04:36:18 PDT 2020

Tests passed on x86-64 and AArch64 with https://github.com/oracle/dtrace-utils
(master branch). (Non-stress tests only: one stress test currently
fails on x86-64. This is unlikely to affect normal use unless you do
something most unusual like chill()ing on all fbt probes at once.)

Pushed to <https://github.com/oracle/dtrace-linux-kernel> on the
v1/5.8.11 branch.

This push is of DTrace v1, using a specialized kernel module rather than BPF.

This was quite a troublesome kernel release, and there are too many
changes made to adapt to it since 5.7 to post a range-diff: the largest
source of change was the syscall entry rework in 5.8, which required
corresponding changes to fbt.  No functional changes.

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