cannot write to file

Zach Brown zach.brown at
Fri Sep 26 14:01:12 PDT 2008

Glauber Costa wrote:
> Hey Zach,
> I'm trying to get started here, but got an oops when trying to write to a file.
> I'm reading the code and trying to spot it, but since I'm really just starting to
> understand the whole thing, and you said to yell early... then I'm sending you the oops,
> and that's your problem from now on ;-))

Yeah, thanks for the report :)  At a quick glance it looks like crfs
reported having written more than it could have.  I'll dig in next week.

Can you give more details on the nature of the write?  strace output
would be stellar.

Oh, also, things are changing pretty fast.  So let us know what version
you were running when you hit problems :).

- z

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