[Berkeley DB Announce] Major Release: Berkeley DB Java Edition 5.0.34

Announcements related to the Berkeley DB product family. bdb at oss.oracle.com
Tue Nov 22 16:34:05 PST 2011

Berkeley DB Java Edition 5.0.34

http://www.oracle.com/us/products/database/berkeley-db/index.html   (BDB product page)
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/berkeleydb/overview/index.html (BDB overview)
http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/berkeleydb/overview/index-093405.html (BDB JE overview)

Berkeley DB Java Edition 5.0.34 is a major release with a many new features, options, and enhancements. Please refer to the changelog link below for a complete list. Here is a sample of some of the new features in 5.0: 

A new class, DiskOrderedCursor has been added which lets an application iterate over records in a Database in unsorted order, in order to improve retrieval speed. This can be useful when the application needs to scan all records in a database, and will be applying filtering logic which does not need key ordered retrieval. The cursor optimizes the iteration by walking in Log Sequence Number (LSN) order rather than key order. LSN order approximates disk sector order, and retrieving in disk order reduces I/O cost. 
A new Environment.preload(Databases[], PreloadConfig) method has been added which permits preloading multiple databases via a single method call rather than multiple calls to Database.preload(). Preload is implemented to optimize I/O cost by fetching the records of a Database by disk order, so that disk access is are sequential rather than random. Using the multi-database Environment.preload() lets the preload operation batch the records for all of the target Databases so that multiple scans over the log are not necessary.
The JE environment can now be spread across multiple subdirectories. Environment subdirectories may be used to spread an environment's *.jdb files over multiple directories, and therefore over multiple disks or file systems. Environment subdirectories reside in the environment home directory and are named data001/ through dataNNN/, consecutively, where NNN is the value of je.log.nDataDirectories. A typical configuration would be to have each of the dataNNN/ names be symbolic links to actual directories which each reside on separate file systems or disks. 
Performance of record update and deletion operations has been significantly improved when the record is not in the JE cache and the application does not need to read the record prior to performing the update or deletion. Previously, the old version of the record was always read into cache, if not already present, by the update or deletion operation. If the record was not already in cache, this often resulted in an expensive random I/O. Now, because of internal changes to record locking, records are not read by update or deletion operations, and this can significantly reduce random I/O for delete or update-heavy workloads. An exception to this rule is when a record is updated or deleted in a primary database that has associated secondary indices. In this case, the primary record must be read in order to update the secondary indices. 

Find the complete list of changes in the change log.


Read the detailed product documentation included in the download package or on the web.


Download the source code.




Review the frequently asked questions (FAQs):


Join OTN and participate in the Berkeley DB JE Support Forum discussions. Our engineering and support staff are highly active on these forums, if you have questions please ask them there first.


For further information, or questions about licensing and sales of JE, please contact us at:

mailto:berkeleydb-info_us at oracle.com

Thank you for your support of Berkeley DB Java Edition.





HYPERLINK "http://www.oracle.com/" \nOracle
Eric Jensen | Product Manager
Oracle Embedded Database Technologies

HYPERLINK "http://www.oracle.com/commitment" \nGreen Oracle

Oracle is committed to developing practices and products that help protect the environment

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