- testsuite "install-silent-oracle-11106" has FAILED - testsuite "sv-oltverify" has PASSED - testsuite "sv-hangcheck" has FAILED - testsuite "sv-ethtool" has PASSED - testsuite "sv-miitool" has PASSED - testsuite "sv-hyperthreading" has FAILED - testsuite "sv-numa" has PASSED - testsuite "ft-hugetlb" has FAILED - 2 out of 6 testcases in testsuite "ft-aio" have FAILED - 2 out of 6 testcases in testsuite "ft-dio" have FAILED - 2 out of 6 testcases in testsuite "ft-aio-dio" have FAILED ---------- Run Summary ---------- Run ID: 5088 Plan: linux-test293-olt Package: patch-2.6.27-rc9-git1.bz2 SUTS: ca-ostest293 Result: Success ca-ostest293 Log: build summary: 4 warnings, 0 errors ERROR(2): Failed to build /usr/builds/hp_ilo-8.0.0-144.OA Error: hp_ilo did not install. Continuing with next... ### RUNNING '040-verify_kernel' ### Correct kernel 2.6.27-rc9-git1 loaded -- ### RUNNING '120-verify_kernel' ### Correct kernel 2.6.27-rc9-git1 loaded power average: 0 OLTEST RUN-TIME SUMMARY: PASS: 16, FAIL: 10, OTHER: 0, TOTAL: 26 ========== TEST RESULTS ========== oltest 0 INFO : BEGIN PACKAGE oltest oltest 0 INFO : Running oltest on SUT: ca-ostest293 oltest 0 INFO : using: /usr/bin/olt-schedule -f /cruc/packages/oltest/validate.cmd -r oltest 0 INFO : fini ========== exit status ========== ===END===